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Accessibility Resources

Use these accessibility resources to improve your website

Web accessibility is one of the hottest topics in K-12 education, thanks to the concerns of educators and parents. That's why we've built our Accessibility Resource Center - to give you timely, helpful resources that help you understand and take action on accessibility concerns. Download any of our resources for free below.

Need more help? Fill out the contact form below if you're looking for solutions to your website accessibility issues. SchoolMessenger Presence, the most flexible website solution for K-12 schools, offers industry-leading features and tools that help you comply with accessibility standards. Contact us today for more.

Get Help With Accessibility

If you're not yet a SchoolMessenger client, sign up for a SchoolMessenger Presence website today and take advantage of our web accessibility features.

If you are an existing SchoolMessenger client, get in touch with SchoolMessenger support if you need help with making your website accessible.